Abstract Submission is Now Closed.
Guidelines for the submission of abstracts
- Close of Abstract Call – Extended to 17 February 2025
(Abstracts can still be changed/edited until this date)
The inclusion of any presentation in the proceedings and in the program is subject to registration for the conference by May 15, 2025.
Preparation of the abstract:
The abstract will be submitted in English only. The abstract will include a purpose, theoretical background, research method, findings and discussion.
Abstracts may be submitted for the following:
Oral presentations: 15-minute presentations of research or on-going project.
Poster presentations: Different poster sessions will be displayed everyday. Authors will need to be present for discussion of the poster content with the audience during breaks.
Committee Sessions: Submitted by IALP Committees. A session focused on a specific topic and includes 3 – 7 presentations in 60- or 90-minute sessions. An abstract of one paragraph of 150 words must be submitted by the session chair, describing the committee session and the titles of the presentations that will be included in it. Separate abstracts of 350 words must be submitted for each of the presentations using a specific link provided to the session chair. Specific instructions will be shared with the IALP Committees.
MoU Sessions: Submitted by partnering organizations who have an MoU with IALP. As above for Committee Sessions.
Symposia: Discussion among experts (inter-committee proposals are encouraged). Proposals must include the topic of the symposium and its purpose, the name of the moderator, the questions that will be presented and the time frame proposed (60 or 90 minutes, with 3 to 7 presenters). The abstract will include the topic of the symposium, an explanation of the importance of the topic, the dilemmas involved and its relevance to the profession. An abstract of one paragraph of 150 words must be submitted by the session chair, describing the session and the titles of the presentations that will be included in it. Separate abstracts of 350 words for each of the presentations using a specific link provided to the session chair.
For All Abstracts:
Author information – Information about all authors must be entered into the system.
The title of the abstract – Must not be longer than 20 words.
Subject Area – Please tick just one topic area for each abstract.
Abstract Submission: All abstracts should be written as a continuous paragraph with up to 350 words including up to three references (according to the APA rules) at the end of the abstract. There should be No reference to or identification of the authors’ affiliation.
Please indicate your preferred form of presentation: committee session, symposia, oral presentation or poster. The Poster option should not be marked for Committee Sessions, Symposia or MOU Sessions.
The abstract will be presented in the online program as submitted. Be sure to proofread to avoid mistakes.
The selection of abstracts for the conference will be made by the Scientific Committee of the Congress and members of the IALP Standing Committees.
The reviewers will receive the anonymous abstracts and their decision is final.