
General Topics

Technology-Assisted Learning in Speech, Language and Hearing. Including but not limited to  innovative digital tools and apps designed to support hearing, language and speech in both children and adults with communication disorders.

Telepractice and Telehealth in Communication Disorders. Including but not limited to the latest advancements in providing speech, language and hearing services remotely, including technology, best practices, and outcomes.

Cultural Competence and Diversity: Including but not limited to cultural and linguistic considerations of strategies for providing culturally competent care to diverse populations in all aspects of the profession.

Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation: Including but not limited to the cutting-edge research on how the brain can adapt, recover or facilitate language, speech and hearing skills through innovative therapies and interventions.

The Psychosocial Effects of Communication Disorders: Including but not limited to how communication disorders impact an individual’s psychological and social well-being. Examine the emotional, social, and mental consequences that arise from experiencing communication difficulties or disorders.

Educational Programs for Communication Clinicians in 2030: Including but not limited to explore the curricula, training methodologies, and emerging trends that shape the education of professionals in the field of communication disorders. Examine the changing needs of both clinicians and their clients in the dynamic fields of speech and language pathology and audiology.

Communication Sciences and Disorders in critical situations (war, pandemics, catastrophes, climate change, migration): This topic explores the impact of challenging circumstances such as war, pandemics, catastrophes, climate change and migration on communication abilities across the lifespan. It also examines how these critical situations influence health and education support systems, which must address the needs of larger populations. This topic encourages professionals to devise innovative solutions and leverage technology to support individuals with communication disorders in navigating these complex situations.

Speech, Swallowing, Communication and Language

Different Topics in Voice and Voice Disorders in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to the latest approaches in diagnosing and treating voice disorders, including innovative voice therapy techniques and technology-assisted vocal rehabilitation.

Voice and Gender: Including but not limited to voice perception and gender stereotypes, gender dysphoria and voice therapy, transgender voice, voice and non-binary identities.

Research, Education and Development in Phoniatrics – including but not limited to phoniatrics’ practice with children and adults; collaboration between SLPs and Phoniatrics.

Recent Advances in Diagnosis, Intervention and Research in Aphasia – including but not limited to consequences of brain lesion in bilingual individuals; cutting-edge research with FMRI in relation to language; brain lesions in different stages of life.

Impact of Fluency and Fluency Disorders in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to the latest research findings in the field of fluency and fluency disorders.  Present the latest assessment tools and diagnostic criteria for fluency disorders, including standardized testing and observation techniques and address psychosocial aspects.

Impact of Speech Sound Disorders in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to current research findings on articulation and phonological disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, and dysarthria. Share advancements in speech sound assessment, including standardized tests, dynamic assessment, and the use of technology for diagnosis and treatment. Present the use of technology, apps, and digital tools for speech sound therapy, including video modeling and biofeedback applications. Explore speech sound disorders cross linguistically and in multilingual and culturally diverse populations, including the assessment and intervention considerations for individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Impact of Craniofacial and Velopharyngeal Anomalies in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to the latest techniques and tools for the clinical assessment and diagnosis of craniofacial and velopharyngeal anomalies, including 3D imaging and genetic testing. Present evidence-based approaches for the assessment and treatment of speech and language disorders associated with craniofacial and velopharyngeal anomalies. Hearing disorders in craniofacial and velopharyngeal anomalies.

Impact of Motor Speech Disorders in Different Stages of Life: including but not limited to developmental and degenerative diseases, multidisciplinary collaboration and outcomes of intervention.

Dysphagia in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to the latest techniques and tools for assessing and diagnosing swallowing disorders in children and adults, including videofluoroscopy, endoscopy, and high-resolution manometry. Discuss the various causes of dysphagia in children and adults, including neurological conditions (e.g., stroke, Parkinson’s disease), structural abnormalities, cancer, and aging-related changes. Present innovative rehabilitation strategies for adults with dysphagia, including exercise-based therapies, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, and sensory-enhanced interventions.

Impact of Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to the latest tools and methodologies for assessing individuals’ communication needs and abilities to determine the most suitable AAC systems for different clinical populations. Explore cutting-edge AAC technologies, including speech-generating devices, communication apps, eye-tracking systems, and brain-computer interfaces.

Language development and Language Disorders in Preschool Children: Including but not limited to innovative research methodologies, including eye-tracking, longitudinal studies, and naturalistic observation, for studying language development in infants and children. Explore the links between language development and cognitive processes, including working memory, executive functions, and theory of mind. Share insights into the assessment and treatment of language disorders in children, including speech and language therapy techniques and early intervention programs. Discuss effects of environmental deprivation of language development and language development in bilingual children, including simultaneous vs. sequential bilingualism and the role of age of acquisition. Discuss the effect of long-term exposure to trauma on language development.

Language and Literacy in School-Aged in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to strategies and interventions for promoting literacy skills in school-aged children and adolescents, including reading comprehension, writing, and vocabulary development.

Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to research findings on the gender disparities in ASD diagnosis, including the under- diagnosis of females and the potential reasons behind these disparities. Discuss early signs/biomarkers for the detection of ASD. Explore research findings concerning parents and siblings of children with ASD. Discuss language, speech perception and production as well as cognitive, pragmatic and social aspects in children, adolescents and adults with ASD.


Audiological Research: Including but not limited to current research findings in audiology, including studies on auditory neuroscience, auditory and speech perception, and hearing rehabilitation outcomes.

Pediatric Audiology: Including but not limited to specialized approaches to hearing screening, assessment and management for children, including newborn hearing screening in newborns, preschool and school aged children, the contribution of different clinical tools such as otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), and auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing in pediatric assessment, pediatric amplification and intervention strategies for children with hearing loss.

Adult and Geriatric Audiology: Including but not limited to hearing care for adults and older individuals, including age-related hearing loss, hearing screening in older adults, communication strategies, and hearing aid technologies for seniors. Analyze the challenges that impede the successful implementation of hearing rehabilitation for older adults and investigate the correlations between hearing loss and dementia.

Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Management:  Including but not limited to research and clinical insights into the assessment and treatment of tinnitus and hyperacusis.

Vestibular Assessment and Rehabilitation in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to advancements in vestibular testing and vestibular rehabilitation for individuals with balance and dizziness disorders.

Hearing Aid Technology: Including but not limited to the latest developments in hearing aid technology, including for example, digital signal processing, connectivity features, and, real-time adjustments, tinnitus management, and remote care solutions.

Cochlear Implants: Including but not limited to candidacy criteria, surgical techniques, speech processor technology, outcomes and challenges in infants, children and adults.

Audiology and Public Health:  Including but not limited to the role of audiologists in promoting hearing health awareness, hearing loss prevention, and hearing conservation programs.

Hearing and cognition in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to the fundamental processes involved in auditory perception, including speech recognition in quiet and noise, sound localization, listening effort and auditory scene analysis, and their links to higher-level cognitive functions such as working memory and inhibition.

Auditory Processing and Performance in the Different Stages of Life:  Including but not limited to the battery of tests designed to evaluate various aspects of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) as well as intervention strategies to improve their communication and quality of life. 

Noise Hazards in the Different Stages of Life: Including but not limited to the impact of noise-induced hearing loss, occupational and recreational noise challenges on auditory health, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention.