Dr. Barbara J. Ehren, CCC-SLP is an ASHA Board-Certified Specialist in Child Language, ASHA Fellow and recipient of Honors of the Association. Currently she is President of Student Success Initiatives, Inc., an entity dedicated to development of materials and delivery of professional learning services on behalf of children and adolescents who struggle with language and literacy with a special focus on secondary students. She was a professor at the University of Central Florida and director of a doctoral program that focused on language and literacy for learners who struggle. Prior to this position, she was a research scientist with the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning (KUCRL), where her emphasis was on strategic reading, collaboration among professionals in schools, and school-wide literacy initiatives, including response-to-intervention/multi-tiered system of supports (RTI/MTSS). Her experience includes many years in public schools as an SLP, classroom teacher, and district administrator. She has served on numerous committees and editorial boards and is a frequent consultant to countries, states, school districts, and professional associations. She has authored many publications related to language/literacy and school practice.
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